The connection between domestic violence programs like A Woman's Place (AWP) and the healthcare community is crucial. For many survivors of domestic violence, a medical visit may be their only opportunity to connect with a safe person who can offer them support and connect them with resources.
As part of our Medical Advocacy Program, AWP provides educational materials and professional trainings to healthcare workers to ensure they have the skills & tools they need to talk about domestic violence with their patients, conduct univeral screening for domestic violence, and connect patients with the programs & services at AWP. We believe this collaboration between AWP and healthcare professionals in Bucks County will create a stronger support network across the community that will allow survivors to feel safe & empowered, and will ultimately prevent future violence from occurring.
A Woman's Place is beyond grateful for the remarkable dedication of our community's healthcare workers, and for their steadfast commitment to supporting survivors and creating a safer Bucks County for all.
To learn more about our education & trainings for healthcare professionals, contact contact our education department at prevention@awomansplace.org